Friday, March 11, 2011

This blog is Mine, MINE muahahahaha!!! ahem...

Don't mind me, I was dropped on my head or something as a child. Anyhoo, my favorite crochet pattern is "The Sweater".  I usually get inspired by some crochet project I see and then get inspired to 'modify' it somewhat (read: alot). My modifications usually stem from the fact that there isn't much nice plus size crochet around (cause I'm overweight and therefore am not allowed to be fashionable or something) or I don't like the color, the stitch, the get the idea.

And I can't follow a pattern to save my life, so I improvise. Seriously, chain 366, turn, sc in first 5 chains, blah blah blah blah....aaaaargh! NO! Give me a chart or don't bother. Ever read one of those 1800's the queen's crochet book that have a tiny font and pages of short hand instructions to make some super snazzy (for the 1800's) bed jacket (really? they wore jackets to go to bed?)..HAHAHAHA! Me neither.

So, i just do whatever. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

In the privacy of my own blog

Crochet is an interesting art (yes, I said art you snobs!), it ranges from craptasticaly colored scarves done in a thick acrylic that you couldn't pay me to use, to amazing thread designs such as those found in the Ukrainian Duplet.

Don't mind me, I'm just meandering...I've been trying my hand at crochet since i was a child, on and off. Now that I've hit mid-life, I now have a bit of patience and am going to try to perfect my craft. I'm going to need a lot of B&B for this.

Here is a Tss sweater using hand dyed rayon from Yarnotopia on Ebay.

I'm not going to model them, I'm a bit of a large lady and some of you may be eating.